Following this tutorial: when trying to load the tiles using renderd, I get
looking further into into it, I ran:
and obtained:
So I open the style.xml starting at line 803 and don't quite understand what the issue would be, here's what I get at line 803 of the style.xml file:
I'v debugged and I've looked everywhere online and can't find an answer that could guide me in the right direction. Could anyone help? |
ok, finally! I fixed it. But I still don't know exactly what the problem is. This line in the renderd.conf file: plugins_dir=/usr/local/lib/mapnik/input/ I changed it to plugins_dir=/usr/lib/mapnik/3.1/input and it works. But!, when I list what's in both folders, I pretty much have the same files: mapserver @ mapserver in /usr/local/lib/mapnik/input [18:00:43]
mapserver @ mapserver in /usr/lib/mapnik/3.1/input [18:01:45]
so maybe the postgis plugin install in the /usr/local/... could be corrupted or not properly built (this is why I'm not sure what the problem is). The big difference between the plugins are the size, so maybe I built mapnik with the wrong dependencies? I don't know. However, I do appreciate your support in this. 1
Actually, doesn't suggest building mapnik at all - it just suggests installing the one that comes out of the box with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS!
(07 Aug '23, 01:01)
SomeoneElse ♦
That's correct, thing is, I had mapnik installed from last year and I didn't want to uninstall it. So that was the issue. Thanks again, I really do appreciate it.
(07 Aug '23, 01:11)
Maybe the "postgis" part of the setup didn't work for some reason? I'd try doing that again and reloading. are you suggesting to delete the gis db and and set it all up and import the region?
(06 Aug '23, 21:00)
I'm suggesting to add the postgis extension to it. You will need to import data again (just a small region first to check it works).
(06 Aug '23, 21:04)
SomeoneElse ♦
Hi, I followed the instructions again, and imported a smaller area, and still get the same error. What I did, I deleted the gis db. And started following the instructions in from here: createdb -E UTF8 -O _renderd gis I created also a new mapnik.xml and modified the renderd.conf file to point to that... and I'm still getting (process:112517): ERROR : 16:51:50.159: An error occurred while loading the map layer 'sav': Postgis Plugin: missing parameter encountered during parsing of layer 'landcover-low-zoom' in Layer at line 803 of '/home/mapserver/src/openstreetmap-carto/mapnik.xml' the only different is I had built mapnik instead of installing it from package. However, when I import it in python it all works. Sorry to keep bugging you, but would you have any idea?
(06 Aug '23, 21:57)
When you ran "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;" what did it say? "map layer 'sav':" suggests you're using a different map layer (which should workproviding that you change all the references) or aomething has gone very wrong.
(06 Aug '23, 22:11)
SomeoneElse ♦
when I created the extension, it just returned (I can't quite remember) something along EXTENSION added/created. This is my renderd.conf
(06 Aug '23, 22:42)
That just means "it didn't work". If you can provide more details, such as messages from syslog people may be able to provide more help.
I've updated my question.
All I get from syslog is:
ERROR : Received request for map layer 'default' which failed to load**