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I work for a private gated community; I have fixed all the roads and I would like to add addresses for the residences. I drove through every driveway and captured the coordinates of each home. So now I know the address and coordinates etc. I can overlay these on a map, mapbox etc, but I would like to add the address data to the actual base map so we can do turn by turn navigation. I have about 1600 of these, placing them visually on the map does not work since the imagery just shows woods for the most part as we are in a very forested area. I do not want to create any duplicate data (I know there would be some) but what is the best way to add many addresses using coordinates preferably in a bulk fashion.

asked 02 Aug '23, 20:26

tkarez's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There is an open data plug-in available for the JOSM editor that can take a spreadsheet file in the form of a comma separated value (CSV). It might also take a XLS format but I haven’t tried that.

You can use that plug-in to either load your address data directly into the OSM map layer or, better, load it into a separate layer and then merge the non-conflicting data into the map layer.

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answered 03 Aug '23, 01:03

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

You can upload to OSM your gpx file with the captured coordinates of each home. Then download the GPS data with the OSM data into JOSM. These layers can be shown over any imagery.

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answered 03 Aug '23, 06:40

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

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question asked: 02 Aug '23, 20:26

question was seen: 941 times

last updated: 03 Aug '23, 06:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum