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Hi, I wanted to add a construction site to an existing road. Position: Germany, 15834 Rangsdorf, Kienitzer Straße / Am Stadtweg. This junction has a temporary construction site blocking the road from 2011-10-24 to 2011-12-31.

I know the tags to use, but am unable to mark a section of an existing road ad add the tags to that section. I can add two new nodes on this road but when I shift-click from one new point to the other and tag it the new road segment is added to the existing one instead of replacing it.

I'd really like to see a simple way to add temporary blocked road to enable Skobbler to route correctly.

Please tell me how to do it right and please correct the existing entry. Thanks.

asked 01 Nov '11, 21:49

Skyynet's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 02 Nov '11, 13:13

srbrook's gravatar image


If the road is not closed, I would probably leave it as it is.

If the road is closed, I would consider the following:

Split the section that is closed for construction by selecting the end node and pressing 'x' to split. Do this for both ends of the construction area if needed.

Select the construction way and where highway=primary, change to highway=construction and construction=primary. Use other values if 'primary' is not appropriate.

Consider leaving the construction details / dates in a note tag for other mappers.

Be sure to go back and re-open the road when construction is complete.

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answered 01 Nov '11, 22:47

Richard%20Weait's gravatar image

Richard Weait
accept rate: 17%

edited 01 Nov '11, 23:29

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦

In the given case, the road is only closed for about 2 months. I would not change it now, but rather update it after it was reopened.

If you expect changes due to the construction (e.g. different geometry), you can add a fixme tag and/or note tag.

(02 Nov '11, 06:32) moszkva ter

You could simply add an appropiate barrier=* tag to a node on the street, explaining it with a note-tag.

But don't forget to delete it after the way is re-opened.

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answered 02 Nov '11, 07:11

ajoessen's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

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question asked: 01 Nov '11, 21:49

question was seen: 7,217 times

last updated: 23 May '14, 15:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum