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I am using the openstreet api to get the duration matrix of the trip from one point to another, setting the origin as the first parameter and the destinations to the rest of parameters. However, the limit is 100 total(including origin and destinations).

Is there a way to increase this limit, and if so, how can I do so? Thanks.

asked 26 Jul '23, 14:22

HowsyWorldd's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


the openstreet api

Which API are you actually calling? I'm guessing your calling some sort of router? What is normally referred to as "the OSM API" is just for editing.

(26 Jul '23, 14:26) SomeoneElse ♦

Presumably you have some code and that code calls "something"? What is the "something"?

(26 Jul '23, 14:55) SomeoneElse ♦

From the URL it appears like the software you are interacting with is OSRM ( When the OSRM server is started, you can specify the maximum matrix size on the command line. 100 is the default.

Apparently you are using a service operated by - you would have to ask them if they can increase the limit for you. If they cannot, then you can run the OSRM software yourself with an increased limit - both the data and the software are open - or you can ask another provider to do that for you.

Note that you are using ~ 20 characters per coordinate pair in your request and there are limits to the length of a GET URL. What exactly the limit is depends on which pieces of software your provider has put between you and OSRM; it is relatively safe that 200 coordinate pairs (4k characters) will work, but at 350 or 400 coordinate pairs (8k characters) you'll very likely hit a brick wall and you will then have to consider POST requests or using Google polyline encoding.

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answered 26 Jul '23, 15:11

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

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question asked: 26 Jul '23, 14:22

question was seen: 1,226 times

last updated: 26 Jul '23, 15:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum