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How to delete an diary entry from[username]/diary ?

asked 24 Jul '23, 15:25

micheleOSM's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


It doesn't seem possible. You can edit it though, and remove all content if necessary.

An admin of the OSM website could probably do it for you.

Be aware that the diaries are available through RSS feeds, which might be cached elsewhere.

(If it's not about your own posts, you should report the diaries, moderators will delete inappropriate content.)


permanent link

answered 24 Jul '23, 17:30

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%


As H_mlet said, if it's your diary you should be able to edit it to remove any content you no longer want people to see. will pick up the new version, but of course other versions may be cached elsewhere. It's not possible to report your own diary entry, but a quiet word with the DWG or the admins should be able to get the (now empty, after you've edited) one hidden.

(24 Jul '23, 17:50) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 24 Jul '23, 15:25

question was seen: 789 times

last updated: 24 Jul '23, 17:50

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