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i have a question, how do i change the zipcode of a whole city in openstreetmap. My area of interest is San Felipe, Baja California. I don't want to individually select each street and add the addr:postcode tag. is their a way to select a whole region in openstreetmap and change the zipcode to 21850. for some reason its showing a 21709 zipcode. this zipcode was used in the 70's and its outdated.

asked 23 Jul '23, 00:44

pointperks's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

In JOSM you can download the area of interest, search for objects with the tag "addr:postcode"=21709, change the postcode to 21850 then submit the change.

That type of bulk edit can be dangerous and is often frowned upon, so double and triple check that what you are doing is correct.

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answered 23 Jul '23, 16:52

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

thank you, i will give that a try right now

(23 Jul '23, 18:03) pointperks

thank you so much that worked!

(23 Jul '23, 18:22) pointperks

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question asked: 23 Jul '23, 00:44

question was seen: 672 times

last updated: 23 Jul '23, 18:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum