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I am 3 states away from Arvada, Colorado but edit there near Olde Wadsworth Boulevard. I keep OSM set to show every issue (not just mine). When I enter Edit in Safari, I immediately see a Railway Feature with the type and name both Proposed. If I move the screen there and zoom out some, I can see 2 more Proposed items. Should this be removed. I have not added what is not there to OSM and am unfamiliar with this issue. Since I can see the one closest to Olde Wadsworth Boulevard is not there according to Bing, that is my issue. Proposed does not mean it will ever be there. The URL should show at least one issue assuming you are in editing mode between the split crossing of West 61st Avenue. where the railroad tracks are. I will leave these alone until somebody answers this question.

asked 20 Jul '23, 01:05

Dark_Valor's gravatar image

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question asked: 20 Jul '23, 01:05

question was seen: 522 times

last updated: 20 Jul '23, 01:05

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum