Hi there I added some public book cases and some free boxes (give boxes). The bookcases were included into the map and visible after a couple of days. But not the free boxes. They are still not visible on the map with their icons and names. Why not? When I right click on the area where it is at and then choose "Query features" then it appears on the list over items nearby. So, apparently it is there on the map, but not showing for some reason. Example: https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/11023089963 Even more strange is that they actually do appear on the umap over bookcases and give boxes: https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/en/map/give_box_406244#13/55.6956/12.5816 But only not on the "main" map openstreetmap.org |
Hi. Give box are not rendered by OSM-carto, the default renderer on OSM.org. See the issue for more details. Regards Thanks for the reply. That doesn't make any sense in my opinion. Why then even make it possible to add such an entity in the first place, if it won't even show on the map anyway?? And it didn't say beforehand, that they wouldn't show up on the map, when I added them. Had I known, I (of course) wouldn't have added them. Why treat the voluntary contributors in such a way? I feel like my work is wasted now :(
(16 Jul '23, 16:19)
Clearly your work isn't wasted, as you posted a link yourself that shows them :)
(16 Jul '23, 16:37)
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