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I do not live in the Denver metro area but visited and map in that general area. RTD is the metro system there. I decided to make RTD Route 76: Wadsworth Boulevard (loop) bus route into a northbound route and southbound route (RTD Route 76: Wadsworth Boulevard (Northbound) & RTD Route 76: Wadsworth Boulevard (Southbound)). Before I made these 2 different bus routes, this was about a 50 mile bus route (both directions).

I removed every previously mapped bus stop that was on the southbound portion from the portion. I have done some routes in the past. I created most of the southbound bus route. However, I accidentally missed several bus stops. I did not make the route master relation yet. Some of the (bus) stops that I missed in the bus route with at least 545 members are not easy to move to the correct location in the oneway route. Does a faster method exist using Safari exist to move the member to the correct location in the bus route when that is easily hundreds of members above the where it was placed at the bottom of the list? What might that be if a different way exists? I am required to save often when I move the stop I can only move the Node up twelve places when I have Safari in full screen. might let find RTD Route 76: Wadsworth Boulevard (Southbound) if you select South Wadsworth Boulevard. I still have to add at least 3 more bus stops including the destination for the route. Should those be moved before the section that is just before each "forward" (not "forward_stop") also? I know these are 2 related issues.

asked 14 Jul '23, 21:19

Dark_Valor's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

does bus stops really matter wherever it is in the relation's list? From what I've seen using josm, orderly highway segments are more important (sequentially following the bus route) while I presume the bus stop nodes can be inferred by their distance to the route. never had any warning about those nodes being lumped together at the top in a bus route (that's how I do it).

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answered 15 Jul '23, 13:59

kucai's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

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question asked: 14 Jul '23, 21:19

question was seen: 700 times

last updated: 15 Jul '23, 13:59

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