I mapped the RTD 76 bus route in Northbound and Southbound (2 bus routes). When I looked at the bus route, I see RTD (Denver metro area) since the bus stop has no name. I am able to use RTD's website to get the names and stop numbers and other data. I opened Safari this morning and was able to type the stop number but could not type any information in the title for any bus stops or any other mapped item. https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?editor=id#map=20/39.81508/-105.08153 is where I am. Oh, trying to add another field like handicapped accessible or bench is not possible. I had no issues with OSM when editing yesterday. Might somebody give any useful suggestions why I cannot fully edit. I do not use Google Maps since that is off limits. Seeing RTD Stop Number after RTD Stop Number is not helpful. I am decently familiar with some of the 76 route but not all of the route but do not know Stop Numbers well enough to arrange the bus routes in the correct orders (if possible) without some major difficulty. Any good suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I did begin naming my sources today. I did name before but in the description of the changes. |