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What is the tag in web studio?

asked 11 Jul '23, 09:45

Poliakoff%20Mykhailo's gravatar image

Poliakoff My...
accept rate: 0%


Can you try to rephrase your question by using more words and adding a better explanation of your problem?

(11 Jul '23, 11:37) scai ♦

there is a web studio ITGarazh in the city of Zhytomyr. What tag to use to map it

(14 Jul '23, 05:49) Poliakoff My...

What is this studio actually doing? I searched for it but it isn't clear to me. It doesn't seem to be about web design. Is it an advertising agency? A shop that sells electronics? Something else? Is it a real shop where you can actually buy things or is it more like an office?

(14 Jul '23, 07:23) scai ♦

specifically website development and web design Representatives of local businesses come here and order the creation of websites

(29 Oct '23, 13:20) Poliakoff My...

web design

(29 Oct '23, 13:24) Poliakoff My...

If it's the one that I think it is, it's currently tagged as a shop=computer, which doesn't seem ideal. Perhaps office=company might be better? I suspect it depends on whether they support "walk ins" as to whether a "shop" tag would be correct.

permanent link

answered 10 Nov '23, 12:09

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

There is also office=web_design - although not used very often so far.

(10 Nov '23, 12:55) scai ♦

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question asked: 11 Jul '23, 09:45

question was seen: 820 times

last updated: 10 Nov '23, 12:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum