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We are trying to figure out road id names. We are working with a company that uses OSM as their base centerline and their shapefile they share with us has extra numbers in addition to the section ID numbers that can be found on OSM. Does anyone know if OSM uses these numbers or is it something this company adds?

This is what it is formatted like: Waterstone Drive / 221933601 / 1002

alt text

asked 05 Jul '23, 21:10

Amir936's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Jul '23, 21:14

The name and the first number match: The number is the way ID. The second number 1002 seems to be completely arbitrary. Ask the company what it stands for. It is probably some internal identifier.

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answered 06 Jul '23, 07:11

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thanks for clearing that up. Does OSM have unique IDs for sections of a roadway. Such as 221933601 is the whole ID for Waterstone Dr, but what if you need a section of the road between 2 intersections.

(06 Jul '23, 16:09) Amir936

Ways in OSM are split at arbitrary positions (usually if some property changes, like maxspeed, lane count, name, surface etc.). So a certain road with a specific name can consist of multiple ways in OSM, each having a unique ID. However, ways aren't split at every intersection. So if you need shorter stretches, split them in your client software. Take a look at the OSM wiki to learn more about OSM elements.

(07 Jul '23, 07:49) scai ♦

Thank again.

(07 Jul '23, 15:49) Amir936

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question asked: 05 Jul '23, 21:10

question was seen: 781 times

last updated: 07 Jul '23, 15:49

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