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Comment lié un article wikipédia sur la carte osm c'est-à-dire afficher l'article sur la carte

asked 04 Jul '23, 21:47

Berete's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Jul '23, 08:13

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

I think I begin to understand your question. You want to add a new article to that specific display ?

As I was saying before, this has nothing to do with OSM, it just provides the background.

If you check the neighboring Banora article, it has coordinates in the infobox, and top right corner. IIRC these coordinates might be stored in the associated wikidata element.

Tomba kanssa on the other hand, has coordinates in the body of the page, which might not be parsed by automatic tools.

Or maybe it's just that it is located at the bottom of the page ? Or that the database of WIWOSM is lagging behind ? The documentation is outdated, so it's hard to know for sure.

I see that you've just added a wikipedia= link to Tomba Kanssa, but Banora doesn't have one, and already shows on WIWOSM.

So I think this is a Wikipedia question, I hope you'll find more precise help there.

You may not have found that documentation.


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answered 09 Jul '23, 16:42

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%


Pour associer un élément de la base de données OSM à un article wikipedia, il y a un tag dédié : wikipedia= (et l'équivalent pour wikidata).

Il y a quelques projets qui permettent d'afficher ces liens sur une carte.

Par exemple OpenSeaMap, en cliquant le menu "View" puis "Wikipedia-links".

OpenStreetBrowser propose aussi une catégorie "Wikipedia" dans le menu "OpenStreetMap Quality Control".

Il y en a probablement d'autres, mais je ne les retrouve pas.


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answered 08 Jul '23, 13:58

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

(09 Jul '23, 10:47) Berete

Indeed. Thanks for your link, I found this service on the osm wiki, but couldn't make it work.

It may be important to note that it's display of wikipedia articles with geolocalization, not of the OSM elements with a wikipedia= tag.

(09 Jul '23, 14:22) H_mlet

I understand really thank you very much for taking all this time to answer me I understand now thank you very much cordially

(09 Jul '23, 16:48) Berete

Thank you so you have no other solution to display the wikipedia article on the OSM map? I wanted to display this article tomba kanssa, like the others who are nearby

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answered 09 Jul '23, 15:36

Berete's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Jul '23, 15:37

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question asked: 04 Jul '23, 21:47

question was seen: 1,407 times

last updated: 09 Jul '23, 16:50

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