Hello there is a very serious problem on this place https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/10961683446 the village and the village node is inaccuracy i.e. I noticed that there is more from 2 to 3 km between the village and the village node an example on acmemapper.https://mapper.acme.com/?ll=11.65224,-10.19531&z=4&t=M&marker0=11.67700%2C-10.16736%2CTomba%20kanssa&marker1 =11.65224%2C-10.19531%2Cunnamed try to type the name of tomba kanssa, on the search bar and see the distance between the village and and node all the other villages nearby are correct except tomba kanssa I simply wanted to place it wikipedia article has their respective place i.e. display wikipedia article on geohack map like this https://wiwosm.toolforge.org/osm-on-ol/kml-on-ol.php? la=en&uselang=en&lon=-10.05&lat=11.816667&rang=50&map=1 but I see that the location of the node fell kanssa is wrong it is this same problem that prompted me to draw an administrative boundary but I see that the problem still not solved yet can you help me? |
Is not the lower group of buildings also part of Tomba Kanssa?
Yes it's part of tomba kanssa
(30 Jun '23, 21:22)