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I work for a homelessness charity in Scotland. We're looking to possibly create a mapping system for the staff on our street teams to track rough sleeping and begging locations in real time.

I've been looking at your application and have a question.

Is it possible to create private maps that can only be accessed by approved users?

asked 23 Jun '23, 13:16

Ronan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes, check out which lets you draw semi-private stuff on top of the public OSM map. You can choose between letting "anyone who knows the link" view the map, or "only people who also have edit permission", and you can list the user accounts that should have this permission. Careful, these advanced authorization controls are only available when you log in to umap with your OSM account - since umap also allows creating maps anonymously, it is easy to accidentally create an anonymous map which is then more difficult to control.

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answered 23 Jun '23, 13:21

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thank you Frederik for this answer.

Do you know if within this select group users can drop GPS location pins? Additionally is it possible for users to access this map via their personal mobile devices?

(23 Jun '23, 13:25) Ronan

umap is a browser-based solution, viewing it will certainly work on mobile browsers, I cannot judge how cumbersome editing is though (what with small buttons and fat fingers and all!). I know that umap can import GPX files but I am not sure if there is any possible interaction with the current mobile GPS location like "zoom to current location" or "drop marker at current location". You'd have to play around with it a bit.

(23 Jun '23, 13:31) Frederik Ramm ♦

It appears it has a "center map on current location" option (the subject of an older, meanwhile fixed, bug

(23 Jun '23, 13:34) Frederik Ramm ♦

Thank you very much

(23 Jun '23, 14:24) Ronan

Hi, is easier to use than umap (IMHO) and works well on mobile device.

The security is only through obfuscated links, so I wouldn't use it for really sensitive data, except if you host it yourself, with appropriate protection.

Be aware that the same is true for uMap, even if permissions are better handled, it is still hosted by volunteers, without special focus on security and privacy.

Best regards.

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answered 23 Jun '23, 15:38

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

Not really OSM, but if it needs to be access controlled, then it might be something more suited to Input/Mergin or QField depending on how you want to sync things with the forms/layers set up in QGIS. These are meant for field data collection and display and I think they can be used without publishing anything outside of pre-approved people (barely played around with either of them myself). QGIS does have quite a learning curve though as it's aimed at people with a more traditional GIS background.

IIRC the people behind mergin are UK based have talked about special pricing for non-profits.

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answered 24 Jun '23, 03:03

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 23 Jun '23, 13:16

question was seen: 4,646 times

last updated: 24 Jun '23, 03:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum