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Newbie to OSM editing using iD in OSM.

I am trying to add a cross-country ski trail. Over it's length the trail travels over a dirt path, but at one point it hits a road, but does not use the full length. I am seeing that I should not superimpose the ski trail over the road, but I need to split the way.

The ski trail and the road travel together and end at another road.

How do I know what items I need to select and assign tags correctly too?

Thanks in advance, Kevin

asked 21 Jun '23, 22:07

Kevinaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

By the sound of it, you would split the road where the ski trail joins and leaves it. Then the portion of the road that is used as a ski trail, I assume closed to motor vehicle travel in winter, would get the ski trail tagging in addition to its normal highway tagging.

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answered 22 Jun '23, 00:15

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

Thanks! Looks like I needed to select the Node where the road and trail come together and do a Shift-Click to also select the road. Still confused how I only select the Way from the Node to the Deadend point. At least I seem to have taken the next step.

(22 Jun '23, 18:25) Kevinaw

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question asked: 21 Jun '23, 22:07

question was seen: 806 times

last updated: 22 Jun '23, 18:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum