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Hello OpenStreetMap community,

I'm seeking advice on how to tag a weekly market which has different types of goods offered on different days.

On Tuesdays, the market sells food and on Wednesdays, it sells clothes and various smaller items. I am familiar with the opening_hours tag, but as I understand, it doesn't support differentiating between the types of goods sold on different days.

Is there a more specific, machine-readable way to tag this in OSM, so it can accurately reflect the different products offered on different days?

Any guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


asked 06 Jun '23, 16:58

Copymaster86's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

opening_hours syntax supports comment field, so you can do something like:

Tue 08:00-12:00 "food market"; Wed 08:00-16:00 "clothes & flea market"

permanent link

answered 06 Jun '23, 23:43

Matija%20Nalis's gravatar image

Matija Nalis
accept rate: 11%

edited 06 Jun '23, 23:44

Is this the preferred way to tag this? Is this supported when one searches for "food" or "clothes" in a mobile app like OSMAnd? Would be reasonable to add two separate POI one: shop=greengrocer and the other shop=clothes, each one with the given opening_hours and maybe liking both to the closed way representing the market.

(07 Jun '23, 09:38) ernsterwinwg

Is this supported when one searches for "food" or "clothes" in a mobile app like OSMAnd

That would depend on the app, but is not really related to this question. E.g. would such an app find "regular" (i.e. same opening hours, always mixed selection of goods) amenity=marketplace when searching for "food" or "clothes"? It might, or it might need to be enhanced with description=* key or clothes=* or sells:* prefix etc.

(07 Jun '23, 14:29) Matija Nalis

Would be reasonable to add two separate POI one: shop=greengrocer and the other shop=clothes, each one with the given opening_hours

That too would depend. If they were separate kiosks on the marketplace that only get used for one purpose and are closed rest of the time, then that would be correct option. If on the other hand there is amenity=marketplace with lots of empty stalls which get rented to different users on different days (i.e. how I understood the question), then one should not be mapping those temporary features due to lack of verifiability.

(07 Jun '23, 14:38) Matija Nalis

Hello Matija,

Thank you for your response. To provide more context, the marketplace in question does not have any kiosks that get rented out. Instead, it's a common space where vendors bring their goods and set up for the day.

On Tuesdays, the vendors sell food items, and on Wednesdays, the vendors sell clothes and various smaller items. There are no permanent structures that could be tagged individually.

Given this situation, how would it be best to represent this in OSM? Since the type of goods sold changes depending on the day, is there a way to make this clear while maintaining verifiability?

Thank you for your continued help on this matter.

(07 Jun '23, 20:59) Copymaster86

In that case I'd suggest as I originally wrote, just tag the whole amenity=marketplace area with:

opening_hours=Tue 08:00-12:00 "food market"; Wed 08:00-16:00 "clothes & flea market"

You can use overpass query like this: to find similarly tagged locations (with at least two time-based with comments), and try it out how they work in your location and app. It works for me in OsmAnd nicely, displaying both the time and the comment that time range relates to.

(10 Jun '23, 23:05) Matija Nalis

Thank you very much, I'll try it out

(13 Jun '23, 17:10) Copymaster86
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question asked: 06 Jun '23, 16:58

question was seen: 1,359 times

last updated: 14 Jun '23, 08:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum