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Hi, My question is fairly simple but unable to get the answer. So thanks in advance.

I am working on the software in which I will be making edits to maps based on my operations needs and dont want my changes to impact globally. So would like to know, how we can achieve it? Like we can use JOSM and instead of updating the data back to OSM, can do OSRM processing on that but will it really work.

The other question is for barrier. Adding the point on the way and making it of type barrier work but what if I want to make a line as type barrier and if that line is intersecting with any other way, then it should be non accessible. Is it possible somehow.

Your help will be highly appreciated and will save me from lot of troubles. Thanks.

asked 01 Jun '23, 19:39

ajay007in's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 02 Jun '23, 11:06

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

The answer to the first part of your question is:

What you want is possible as long as you understand that from the point on where you start making your own local changes, you will never be able to update from OSM again - i.e. you're stuck at that point in time and the full responsibility for making changes now lies with you.

If the area you are working with is small enough to be loaded wholly into JOSM then you can work with a local OSM file, edit that in JOSM, and load it into OSRM. JOSM's way of saving an OSM file is slightly different from standard OSM, e.g. newly created objects will receive negative IDs, and it might be necessary to reformat or renumber the file for processing but that's not a big hurdle.

If the area you are working with is too large to load into JOSM at once, then you will need to set up a complete OSM server (the "openstreetmap-website" code from GitHub) to hold your local data. You can then use that much like you would use the standard OSM database but be warned, it's a lot of components (you'll need to set up the data export for consumption by OSRM as well, and so on).

The answer to your second question is, it is probably possible to make OSRM query a secondary data set while building the routing graph so that you can feed linear barriers into it but it will require some coding. Maybe check out routing engines that already support "avoid areas", like e.g. OpenRouteService.

permanent link

answered 01 Jun '23, 22:40

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

I know that people are using OSRM with altitude data to change the costing of steep segments - I don't know how it's done exactly but I figure that linear barriers are very similar to that. See for a discussion of using altitude data - it's a bit dated though so I cannot say how it relates to the current code base.

(02 Jun '23, 09:46) Frederik Ramm ♦

osm-website is free software and you can use it any way you want. Data-wise, if you start with OSM data and your users make changes to that, the resulting data set is still ODbL licensed and must, when publicly used, be offered under ODbL as well. This means you can make "private" changes as long as only you and people in your organisation use it, but if you then build a public-facing service ("come to my web site for better routing with all the improvements I made") then you need to release your data under ODbL, at least to those who use your web site.

(02 Jun '23, 09:49) Frederik Ramm ♦

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question asked: 01 Jun '23, 19:39

question was seen: 979 times

last updated: 02 Jun '23, 11:06

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum