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When searching for a location, by giving postal code as "94110" and country as "United States" we get a wrong result, as it is showing a point inside a sea.

FYR:- The address for this wrong location is "San Francisco, California, 94110, United States" , when you enter this address in OSM then you will get a point inside the sea.

Hope this is a bug and will be fixed soon.


asked 30 May '23, 21:12

Mohamed%20umar's gravatar image

Mohamed umar
accept rate: 0%

But postal code "94110" does not cover any island and it is a part of center of San Francisco. when we search postal code as "94110" and country code "US" it points in right of the San Francisco inside the sea, while Farallon islands are in left of the San Francisco

(02 Jun '23, 07:04) Mohamed umar

The search ends up looking for the City and County of San Francisco and it finds it. Then it centers things in the geometric center of the area.

The problem here is that the Farallon Islands are apparently part of the City and County of San Francisco so the geometric center is in the ocean between what a normal human would consider San Francisco and the islands.

Nominatim, the software that actually does this lookup is quite complicated as it has to deal with a whole world of different conventions. But it seems that a reasonable thing for it to do would be to return the location of the node in the relation that is marked as the label which would center the map at

You may wish to submit a but to the project that develops and maintains Nominatim. I think the project is located at

permanent link

answered 30 May '23, 21:23

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 30 May '23, 21:12

question was seen: 756 times

last updated: 02 Jun '23, 07:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum