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I have tried to edit my property name, but two days later it still says the old name. Am I too impatient or am I doing something wrong? If I click on "edit" all the correct information is already there, but the name displayed on the map, is still the old name.

asked 29 May '23, 16:53

Guesthouse%20Mikael's gravatar image

Guesthouse M...
accept rate: 0%

Hi, A link to the feature is always good, then someone can check it out.

If you expect to see a change on an app, you're probably too impatient. Check to see how often the database on your app is updated.

Does the change appear on the OSM front page map? If not then something went wrong.

(30 May '23, 06:29) BCNorwich

Link: If I search Guesthouse MIkeal (193117951) all the correct info pops up on the left side, but the name on the building location still says Nýjibær. We bought Guesthouse Nýjibær and have renamed it Guesthouse Mikael.

(30 May '23, 10:34) Guesthouse M...

Hi, The tagging is correct and searching for Guesthouse Mikael finds the place and the name on the OSM map is correct.

I can only surmise that your browser cache holds old info on that map tile. Try clearing your browser cache and see what happens, or search on a different device.

permanent link

answered 31 May '23, 06:42

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

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question asked: 29 May '23, 16:53

question was seen: 719 times

last updated: 31 May '23, 06:42

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum