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Hello: Read thru many Q&A, after 30 minutes I can't find a clear-cut answer how to tag a small business (e.g. one of many located in one larger building, i.e. as single points). Specifically, 1. a cutting trees business, 2. lawn mowing, 3. landscaping. 4. cleaning/renovating apartments (when a tenant moves out, they are hired to replace carpets or clean them, repaint walls. 5. signage printers/makers.

Thank you Martin

asked 27 May '23, 21:19

slover98's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

If I were mapping these I'd probably go with a generic office=company for the offices themselves with craft tags where available:

  1. there doesn't seem to be something well established for this. There appears to be a single craft=tree_surgeon and 15 craft=arborist according to taginfo so I'd probably go with the latter.
  2. craft=gardener with a brief description of scope
  3. craft=gardener
  4. no good match I'm aware of possibly craft=interior_decorator or craft=painter
  5. either craft=printer or craft=printmaker (if small run artistic stuff).

You can of course use any tags you like, but if you invent one it is probably a good idea to run it past some people in the community forums in case they can spot any potential misinterpretation or conflicts with existing schemes.

permanent link

answered 28 May '23, 16:27

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

Thank you very much!!! Sounds reasonable.

(28 May '23, 18:58) slover98

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question asked: 27 May '23, 21:19

question was seen: 1,005 times

last updated: 28 May '23, 18:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum