Hello everyone. I am interested in downloading all the toll_booth nodes from Italy regions. On Python Jupyter, I am using the osmnx library. Specifically, I am using
where italy_prj.geometry[reg_index] is the shapefile of the region of which I am downloading data. Now, I added myself the tag barrier:toll_booth to the node 8933486721 (Name: Casello di Ceparana), because it was not present in the map. If I use the before mentioned code, the node cannot be found among the barrier:tool_booth tagged elements. However, if i use
then the node is found, with barrier:tool_booth among its tags! Can someone tell me what am I doing wrong? Thanks a lot, Luca |
On IRC, someone with the exact same problem said "If i download the node using its name, i can see the tag barrier:toll_booth as well! That's why i don't understand why that tag is not working to download the node...."
I said there "sounds like an issue with osmnx..."
Did you check whether the shapefile actually contains your changes, i.e. is it recent enough? If so, please create a bug report for osmnx as suggested by @SomeoneElse.
@SomeoneElse it was me indeed ahah @scai the shapefiles are the official ones from Italian government, and using the same files I can retrieve the point by using it's name, and I fail to do that using the barrier tag