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I posted this yesterday, but as I don't see it show up I'll try again:

When I use on my phone in a webbrowser (Motorola, android 9, firefox chrome) it says "map intentionally left blank (received empty dataset)". If I run exactly the same query on the same area on my laptop it does return a dataset. I tried different queries in different browsers and for different areas but the problem persists.

What can this be? How can I fix this?

asked 15 May '23, 13:33

Silent's gravatar image

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Open overpass turbo on your device with the desired query. Go to export -> raw data directly from Overpass API. Save the result and take a look at it. Does it contain any error message? Or is it really empty?

(15 May '23, 14:11) scai ♦

Maybe you can share your query? It works for me with this one, on Motorola, Android 9 and Firefox. ;-)

(15 May '23, 15:19) H_mlet

Just to add to this, I regularly create queries on desktop, and share them with myself by email fro later use on mobile. I've not seen a problem yet...

(15 May '23, 16:05) SomeoneElse ♦

Thanks for the replies so far.

export -> raw data directly from Overpass API

No error is shown, just the usual header and then an empty elements. Full text of the returned raw data:

{ "version": 0.6, "generator": "Overpass API e4cf9f7a", "osm3s": { "timestamp_osm_base": "2023-05-15T16:08:09Z", "copyright": "The data included in this document is from The data is made available under ODbL." }, "elements": [

] }

(15 May '23, 17:28) Silent

Maybe you can share your query?

Sure, but intuitively I'ld say it's not the query as I tried different queries and for each exactly the same query works on my laptop, but not on my phone. One example query is:

/ This has been generated by the overpass-turbo wizard. The original search was: “shop = bicycle” / [out:json][timeout:25]; // gather results ( // query part for: “shop=bicycle” node"shop"="bicycle"; way"shop"="bicycle"; relation"shop"="bicycle"; ); // print results out body;

; out skel qt;

Typing this made me think that maybe the issue is that the bound box fails to define. But makes no difference, works on laptop but not on phone. Code used:

/ This has been generated by the overpass-turbo wizard. The original search was: “shop = bicycle in Eindhoven” / [out:json][timeout:25]; // fetch area “Eindhoven” to search in {{geocodeArea:Eindhoven}}->.searchArea; // gather results ( // query part for: “shop=bicycle” node"shop"="bicycle"; way"shop"="bicycle"; relation"shop"="bicycle"; ); // print results out body;

; out skel qt;

(15 May '23, 17:34) Silent

Unfortunately parts of your query aren't visible due to bad formatting. It might be better to share a link to it instead (via the share button at overpass-turbo).

(16 May '23, 06:58) scai ♦

Works on my phone, the results are displayed after tapping run (Firefox 113, Android 10).

(17 May '23, 09:07) scai ♦
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question asked: 15 May '23, 13:33

question was seen: 1,321 times

last updated: 17 May '23, 09:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum