there is an industrial park in the southern portion of the city of fontana that is sub divided into different districts. at first, I added a polygon for the industrial park, but honestly, looking at the wiki I am not sure how to map it correctly. the industrial park is called southwest industrial park, but each district has its own rules and name, but is considered part of southwest industrial park according to city documents. so essentially it should show up as slover west industrial district, Southwest industrial park, fontana, San Bernardino county..... When I added slover west industrial district to southwest industrial park and searched for it, it showed up as slover west industrial district, fontana, San Bernardino county...... i would also get errors for southwest industrial park when I added slover west as a relationship, so I deleted it to remove errors from the map. so how do i get slover west industrial district to show up as a sub district of southwest industrial park? Should I mark southwest industrial park as a boundary? |