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I have noticed some surfaces are tagged as rasin, which is possibly meant to be resin but misspellt. This value is used on the surface of bridges that are made from something that probably looked like resin to that user.

More likely though, it's some kind of composite material. The surfaces of these bridges look like tarmac/asphalt but is hard enough to not need any further support. This composite material is usually a replacement for wooden planks. Hopefully that describes what I mean well enough.

However, I don't see resin or composite listed either as one of the official surface types, nor anything else that might be a good fit. Well there's acrylic, but I'm not sure if that's what it is. What should I do?

asked 01 May '23, 22:06

Thanatica's gravatar image

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Seems to be a Netherlands thing:

(01 May '23, 22:38) SomeoneElse ♦

Hmm, that doesn't really explain whether it is a genuine type of surface, or a misspelling that somehow only occurs in The Netherlands... Should it be corrected to "resin"? I imagine currently mapping applications have no idea what to make of it, so we should probably do something.

(22 May '23, 08:37) Thanatica

It is very likely a misspelling. Looks like most (if not all) of these edits are by user @Hendrikklaas ( a long time ago. This is still an active user (also here at So maybe try to contact this user directly about this issue or invite this user to reply to this question here.

(22 May '23, 09:18) scai ♦

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question asked: 01 May '23, 22:06

question was seen: 825 times

last updated: 22 May '23, 09:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum