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Some bicycle parkings don't really have discrete spots to place bicycles, but instead they are just an area where people are expected to place their bicycles in whatever spot and orientation they please. The capacity for such parking areas is therefore very hard, if not impossible, to confidently tag.

However, it looks like the capacity tag requires a number. So I wonder what we are expected to enter if capacity is variable, or somehow cannot be determined precisely.

Sorry to say I forgot to take a picture of one of the parkings in question, so I hope I described it well enough.

This is kind of what I'm talking about, although these are not the kinds of areas that I specifically was trying to tag:

The upside-down U-shaped stands are not meant to take one bicycle on each side - they are merely a suggestion for doing so. It is allowed to place bicycles inbetween, and outside kind of near these stands. So while a minimum can be calculated here (which is not even always possible), the tag capacity feels like it should indicate a maximum, which is nearly impossible to know for sure.

asked 01 May '23, 21:50

Thanatica's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


I'm afraid you'll have to tag a rough estimate, maybe with a note explaining.

If you check taginfo, you'll see there are a few ranges, tagged as min-max, but it will probably not be understood by any data user unless it's documented.

For specifying the fact that it's an estimate, you'll find this remark interesting. Sadly it's somewhat old and has no answer.

I guess that kind of change would have to go through a formal proposal process.

A discussion in the relevant section of the new forum might get more attention.

Best regards.

permanent link

answered 05 May '23, 13:57

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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question asked: 01 May '23, 21:50

question was seen: 1,071 times

last updated: 05 May '23, 13:57

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum