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Our database of Finnish travel products, Visit Finland DataHub uses Openstreet map. And there we can see that there is mentioned a route "M/S Norppa II, 40 min" but it starts from wrong location. (See the image from our database.) The route should start where the pink circle (marked with blue) is. How can we correct this?

I know that the pink mark (POI?) is located in address Lintusalontie 1661 B, 52200 Puumala with latitude 61.4309888093298 and longitude 28.0020137364659. It would be great if we could move the start to more proper location. I just got familiar with Openstreetmap app and could not find a way to correct the routes anywhere. alt text

asked 25 Apr '23, 05:57

DH_VF's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi, The four sections of the M/S Norppa II route are held in Relation: Hurissalo - Lintusalo (12584568)

Any corrections or additions to the route must be made via this relation.

I cannot open/access the Visit Finland DataHub, I think you have to subscribe to get in. Therefore I cannot see the image or circle you describe so cannot physically help further.

Need any more help please just ask.

Regards Bernard.

permanent link

answered 25 Apr '23, 08:11

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Hi, Bernard! Thanks for quick reply. I tried to attach an image in the question with no success. The image can be seen here (in Google Drive)

(25 Apr '23, 11:40) DH_VF

The mapping of this and other routes are a mess with different route information kept on ways and relations. The piece of the route leaving the shore is used by in total 5 routes. Are they all leaving from further South or only the one mentioned? On top also the coastline is a mess with forest sitting in the ocean.

I suggest someone with experience looking into the matter.

(25 Apr '23, 20:40) TZorn

Hi, I thought I had commented with roughly the same comment as TZorn but it disappeared. Yes I can now see the pink circle. I've mapped the pier at this point. Is it all five routes should go to this point or just the M/S Norppa II route?

(26 Apr '23, 08:45) BCNorwich

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question asked: 25 Apr '23, 05:57

question was seen: 1,013 times

last updated: 26 Apr '23, 08:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum