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How do you tag places where you have these carousel like parking systems where you park in a bay which is then mechanically transported instead of someone driving it to a parking spot? Wikipedia article for anyone who wants an idea about what I mean.

asked 12 Apr '23, 04:33

Navk's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

At the very least I would think that the entrance could be tagged amenity=parking_entrance.

As for the parking type for an amenity=parking, there don't appear to be any documented values.

At time of writing there OSM appears to have:

permanent link

answered 13 Apr '23, 16:23

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

=mechanical lifts is unclear because a carpark can have car elevators still requiring drivers to park manually at each floor in ordinary parking spots in a hybrid mode, or varying extent of automation. In fact, there is one old design similar to the cylindrical type found in at least Japan, where the driver has to stay in car to back in and access the car on each level.

For =automated_parking_system , it's possible to have stacks, swapping platforms, and sleds in both =underground and =mutli-storey , meaning the use of parking= is a conflict.

The other fundamental issue with parking and amenity=parking is different type areas of the same carpark can't be represented consistently. There is commonly a mix of automated and manual parking spots, often to accommodate different heights and needs.

(14 Apr '23, 05:06) Kovoschiz

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question asked: 12 Apr '23, 04:33

question was seen: 1,810 times

last updated: 14 Apr '23, 05:12

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