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Worm hotels have popped up in Vienna. Now I'm wondering how to map them.

What is a worm hotel?

You might know the household-sized worm bins that use worms to compost certain kinds of organic waste. A worm hotel is the same thing, but sized up to be used by multiple people in a neighborhood.

Worm hotels in Vienna

Worm hotels in Vienna are being put up and serviced by Wurmhotel once enough people in a certain area have voiced their interest. They are open only to members who have gotten instructions on what to feed the worms.

What the worms should be fed according to the Wurmhotel website: raw fruits and vegetables, leaves, ground eggshells, 20% newspaper paper or carton. No citrus.

Worm hotels on OSM

Some worm hotels have been mapped in Amsterdam as:

tourism = artwork
artwork_type = installation
man_made = worm_hotel

man_made = worm_hotel on Taginfo

My thoughts

Worm hotels in Vienna are not intended as artworks, and for that reason I reject the tags used in Amsterdam.

They are intended as recycling facilities open to a limited crowd.

Thus I'm pretty sure about the following tags:


I'd consider adding man_made = worm_hotel too, since it has already been used. Although I am wondering if there is a more appropriate key than man_made.

But what kind of recycling is this? The worms' diet doesn't completely follow the usual concepts of organic waste. It's certainly not recycling:food_waste as described in the wiki, since the worms should not be fed cooked food or meat. I'd tend to go with something vague like recycling:organic (by far the most popular) or recycling:compost (very rare, feels slightly more descriptive to me).

Any feedback appreciated!

asked 09 Apr '23, 11:09

zoosh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Apr '23, 11:13

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question asked: 09 Apr '23, 11:09

question was seen: 1,847 times

last updated: 09 Apr '23, 11:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum