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I recently made some edits at a marina I am very familiar with:

and being my first change, I marked it for review.

However, now that it has been "applied", I notice that the presence of Great Haywood Marine Services has vanished from the displayed map. Therefore, I assume that "boatyard" is not the correct type for their building.

Is "boatyard" supposed to be an area of open land rather than a building? What type should I be using?

Note that the building is capable of housing a boat, but also contains a small office and store room. Neighbouring the building is a white poly-tunnel where boats get sand blasted.


asked 31 Mar '23, 09:34

rmk92's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Note that changesets are always immediately "applied". Marking it for review doesn't have any effect on this. It is just an invitation for other mappers to have a look on it. Whether this happens or not, and when, doesn't change anything.

(31 Mar '23, 11:27) scai ♦

I think the waterway=boatyard would generally be the entire facility where they work on or store the boats and in many cases would include quite a large area where boats are stored 'dry'.

A building over the water where boats are stored "wet" would probably be building=boathouse, but in this case I suspect it might be a generic building=industrial.

permanent link

answered 01 Apr '23, 20:31

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

edited 01 Apr '23, 20:32

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question asked: 31 Mar '23, 09:34

question was seen: 693 times

last updated: 01 Apr '23, 20:32

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