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Hi! I'm looking to use Nominatim to rectify some addresses I have stored in my database. Problem is I have 66336 addresses to go through and don't want to overload the API. The query doesn't have to be fast, I plan to run it at midnight anyways, I've read stuff like "No more than one request per second." and "A maximum of 2,500 requests per day (this is a soft limit, but it's recommended to stay below it).". I'm fine with waiting more then a second per request but will I be ok to run through all my addresses? Edit: This process is a one off and won't need to happen again.

asked 24 Mar '23, 19:58

GeorgeValleyeats's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Mar '23, 16:33

To answer my own question, yes it appears to be ok so long as you stay within those thresholds. I didn't do any testing with calls faster then one per second for an extended period but I did test whether 2,500 was a hard cap, it didn't appear to be so. I did choose to stay below that limit.

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answered 10 Jul '23, 18:53

GeorgeValleyeats's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 24 Mar '23, 19:58

question was seen: 7,089 times

last updated: 10 Jul '23, 18:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum