There is a bus line and on the bus line I see there is a Bus stop but when searching on the map i don"t find it because the tag bus_stop is missing... And there are A LOT og such bus stops around here. What could be done? |
My guess is because the stops have been mapped as ways, e.g., which I suspect is uncommon for bus stops. They are more visible on this layer: I think often
gets translated to a bus stop, but maybe less so for ways. 1
Moreover, the example given is actually a line rather than an area.
It is - as an example, there are no bus stops mapped as lines in Britain or Ireland. Even the "standard" OSM style can handle bus stops mapped as areas, although users have needed to force them to be treated as areas:
(21 Mar '23, 11:18)
SomeoneElse ♦
Okay, yes most are mapped as lines and therefor are not findable which is a shame since somebody clearly put work in to mapping the lines. So what ca be done in this case?
(22 Mar '23, 07:37)
Changing the mapping from "line" to "area" wouldn't lose any information (actually, it'd be a better representation of what was there). That's one option. When mapping bus stops myself I only ever map them as nodes.
(29 Mar '23, 01:27)
SomeoneElse ♦
The problem is mostly about rendering, and I presume most people will be talking about osm-carto, which is the standard layer, i.e. most people who use OSM for the first time will exclusively use this one. The Transport Layer and ÖPNVKarte are normally suited for public transport and will render stops properly. We are talking about "Alpbach Parkplatz" bus stops here: On the western side of the road, the bus stop is tagged as a node: On the eastern side of the road, the bus stop is tagged as a way: highway=bus_stop should not be used on a way → highway=platform would be a better choice. Adding a footway to make it routable would be even better. If rendering on OSM-carto is a concern, you may think about the following course of action: