Completely new with OSM, I try to download all international boundaries. Is that possible, and if yes, how? |
Have you looked at ? I did, but the data appears to be flawed, cannot get imported to QGIS.
(21 Mar '23, 23:40)
Can you explain in a bit more detail what you tried and what the problem was?
(21 Mar '23, 23:44)
SomeoneElse ♦
What I did was downloading some layer packages as GEOJSON file. Some of these packages I could import, but not for all: For some I get, when adding them as a new layer into QGIS, I get the message "Invalid data source": [filename] is not a valid or recognized data source". Still only very basic skills in QGIS, but as this error appears only for some files, I assume that some flaw in the data is likely.
(22 Mar '23, 07:48)