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A couple of things strike me about this option, which is common in the UK where councils give access to pavements or urban footpaths to bicycles to increase their cycle lane provision.

One is that the rendering in most (all?) maps shows this as the same as a pure cycle path, which isn't very informative as it makes it look like a dedicated cycleway. An area I've been updating contains a separate pavement (foot) and a dedicated cycle path which then merge into an unsegregated combined path, and to the map reader it looks like the footpath disappears completely. A red and blue dashed lined would be more useful.

The other is the " Bicycle-Pedestrian Separation" option which only automatically fills in the "segregation" tag if you tick "yes" and doesn't do so if you tick "no".

asked 12 Mar '23, 17:12

Mikey%20Co's gravatar image

Mikey Co
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So what is your question?

(22 Mar '23, 07:41) InsertUser

For general discussion about cycle provision on footpaths in the UK or #OSM-GB on IRC is probably the best option; for "conversation about tagging issues" more generally I'd suggest .

"" has a fairly rigid question / answer / comment format which doesn't really lend itself to "conversational" questions like this one.

(24 Mar '23, 13:07) SomeoneElse ♦

Thanks SomeoneElse

(25 Mar '23, 11:26) Mikey Co

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question asked: 12 Mar '23, 17:12

question was seen: 909 times

last updated: 25 Mar '23, 12:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum