in the mail received after paying ask me to confirm my acount by clicking a link that just bring me to a map so why do I pay for? |
OpenStreetMap data is free, so you most likely didn't pay OpenStreetMap (specifically the OpenStreetMap Foundation backing the project) But services may be sold which use OpenStreetMap data. So unless you specify what you paid for, we can't help you. Just for clarity: There is a membership with the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF), but that is 15£, not 15€. See You don't get any login with an OSMF membership. As a member you get to vote in the annual general meeting, but that is sent by e-mail. |
To whom did you pay €15 to?
OpenStreetMap data is free for everyone to use (although some third-party apps or services that use OSM data may charge for their services).
Maybe the OSM Foundation?