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I'm trying to determine if my local county map data is copyrighted or not. I don't see any reference to the data being copyrighted on the terms and conditions page. I don't see any water marks on the map.

asked 09 Mar '23, 03:50

E-Ville%20Editor's gravatar image

E-Ville Editor
accept rate: 0%

What is your location? In some US states data produced by different levels of government are "public domain" in other states that is not true. And, of course, other countries have their own laws.

When there is no information on the data portal regarding copyright then contacting the county GIS department would be my next step.

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answered 09 Mar '23, 04:35

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

Madison County Illinois is the location. I can't contact the GIS department for political reasons. The US Dept of Transportation which manages the National Address Database appears to have address points from Illinois and they have a status of "In Progress". Does that have any bearing on whether or not they are copyrighted?

(10 Mar '23, 00:29) E-Ville Editor

To the best of my knowledge the US DOT NAD will be independent of any state and county copyright.

I hope your Illinois "in progress" status progresses faster than what I am seeing for my state.

(10 Mar '23, 01:23) n76

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question asked: 09 Mar '23, 03:50

question was seen: 945 times

last updated: 10 Mar '23, 08:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum