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or the Kazakh name was completely erased from the street

in the name of the railway, erase the Kazakh name altogether the same in many objects

A DWG representative named mavl erased the names in the national Kazakh language in Kazakhstan. Is there a way to appeal the actions and get the names back. mavl took such actions based on national reasons. The majority of Russians do not respect the peoples of the countries that were part of the Soviet Union. On state Russian television, you can hear statements insulting the country of Kazakhstan. I believe that it was precisely for the reasons of the above-mentioned disrespect that the information was deleted.

he intended to return the Russian language, however, for this it was not necessary to erase the Kazakh names, it was possible to return the Russian name to name:ru with a separate edit in each object

asked 02 Mar '23, 09:49

Poliakoff%20Mykhailo's gravatar image

Poliakoff My...
accept rate: 0%

closed 02 Mar '23, 12:40

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦

The question has been closed for the following reason "Too subjective and argumentative" by Frederik Ramm 02 Mar '23, 12:40

Is there a way to appeal the actions and get the names back.

You could start by sending an email and asking about it. If you don't like the answer, as noted at, you could raise it with the board. However:

mavl took such actions based on national reasons. The majority of Russians do not respect the peoples of the countries that were part of the Soviet Union. On state Russian television, you can hear statements insulting the country of Kazakhstan. I believe that it was precisely for the reasons of the above-mentioned disrespect that the information was deleted.

From what I can see at , it doesn't appear that the motive was as you describe it. As ever with reverts, it may just be that some post revert tidying is required.

Personally, where objects have a "name" and several "name:language" tags, I'd suggest ensuring that if "name" is in a language not listed among the "name:language" tags that that missing "name:language" is added. That way, if a "name" is changed, no language is lost.

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answered 02 Mar '23, 10:15

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

In the case at hand, changing the "name" tag to show the Kazhak name was likely wrong (unless of course the local signage is actually in Kazhak, a claim that would require some sort of proof). The edit was reverted after complaints from the community. The DWG cannot be expected to manually preserve information when doing a revert. The mapper should have added the Kazhak names in an appropriate name:xx tag to begin with, then a revert would not have been necessary.

The nationality of the DWG member executing this revert has nothing to do with it, and you should not have mentioned that at all. Any other DWG member would have done the same thing.

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answered 02 Mar '23, 12:39

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Less than 1 day passed between the changeset and revert. DWG not gave the participant an opportunity to correct mistakes. At the same time, participant transferred russian values to "alt_name:ru" instead of "name:ru", which can be corrected easily

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answered 02 Mar '23, 12:57

muchichka_s's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 02 Mar '23, 09:49

question was seen: 886 times

last updated: 02 Mar '23, 12:59

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