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For example--- when I zoom to see the borders of the Navajo nation, I can barely even make out where the borders are.

Go try it for yourself, try to make out the borders of the Navajo nation, you will fail.

And when I zoom out to get a better look at it, it disappears!!! It should absolutely be visible at further zoom levels.

It really bothers me that you actually colored them in, but using a color so light that you have to strain your eyes to see it.

asked 14 Feb '23, 02:22

dimnaut's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Just checking - which map style are you actually referring to? There are 6 at and dozens of others elsewhere based on OpenStreetMap data.

If you're talking about the "standard" map style, the people who develop that are over at .

(14 Feb '23, 06:30) SomeoneElse ♦

You can make all kinds of maps based on OpenStreetMap.
The default use case is meant to be generic, universal and worldwide reflection of real-world objects.

A map that highlights and builds upon the existing reservation since recently has been made available here:
The more time you spend around the OSM universe, the more amazing use-cases you'll find.

permanent link

answered 24 Feb '23, 08:40

Boyan%20Alexiev's gravatar image

Boyan Alexiev
accept rate: 0%

Because they're mostly administrative boundaries, not a nature preserve or zoo.

permanent link

answered 14 Feb '23, 14:11

Baloo%20Uriza's gravatar image

Baloo Uriza
accept rate: 9%

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question asked: 14 Feb '23, 02:22

question was seen: 1,343 times

last updated: 24 Feb '23, 08:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum