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I have a question about OpenSeaMap integration into a OpenStreetMap application.

What I want to achieve is to visual sector for mobile cells as bearing , open angle for cell sector-carriers and range of cells range (distance). I see that the OpenSeaMap have similar functionality for ex lighthouses for sea traffic so I wonder if it possibly to use this type of icons for mobile cell purpose? If so , I need some guide how to put them together.

Best Regards Jörgen Sjögren

asked 09 Feb '23, 10:41

emwjosj's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It is absolutely possible to achieve what you want, but without a bit more information about what you want to achieve people won't be able to help much.

OpenStreetMap is just a big pile of data. Subject to the licence, you can do pretty much what you want with that. OpenSeaMap is just some sea-specific data stored in among the OSM data.

You probably have some idea what platform you are writing your application for, and that platform probably has some documentation about reading data from json, web servers or local files. I'd start there.

(09 Feb '23, 11:18) SomeoneElse ♦


OpenSeaMap is an open source project, that generate a raster overlay, based on OSM data, selected for nautical interest.

You could dive into the OpenSeaMap code, and either use their stack to generate an overlay dedicated to mobile cells, or use the part of their code that generate sectors, and use it in another rendering stack, like the default openstreeetmap-carto for example.

Both approach are big project, and quite technical.

On the other hand, you might take inspiration from surveillance cameras maps. These few examples display the cameras on a map, with their coverage (based on the tagging available, of course).

Which takes me to the most important question, did you check if the needed data is actually in OSM ?

The only technical tag associated with man_made=antenna is frequency.

On the communication:mobile_phone page, some reference to the generation (LTE, umts)...

I've seen some discussion to import such data, but as it's more or less unverifiable from the ground, it seems the general consensus is not to map that kind of information (cell id, bearing, theoretical range, etc).

Best regards.

permanent link

answered 11 Feb '23, 12:01

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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question asked: 09 Feb '23, 10:41

question was seen: 1,294 times

last updated: 11 Feb '23, 12:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum