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San Franciso CA, Broomfield CO, Denver CO, Carson City NV and Nantucket MA

I noticed this because I am analyzing an extracted file of admin boundaries from OSM and am looking for US counties.

I think it's because the first 4 are both cities and counties ? and the last is an island and a county.

Is this something that can be changed ? if so, how and by who?

asked 03 Feb '23, 12:25

Rick%20Teitelman's gravatar image

Rick Teitelman
accept rate: 0%

The City of Los Angeles is a separate legal administrative area from the County of Los Angeles. Likewise the City of San Diego is a separate legal administrative area from the County of San Diego. But, unique in California, the City and County of San Francisco is one legal administrative entity.

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answered 03 Feb '23, 19:54

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

I only checked the relation for San Francisco as that is the one I am most familiar with. Certainly the official name of "The City and County of San Francisco" is not widely used and the value of "San Francisco" in the name tag is.

In this case at least, the official name including the word "county is in the official_name tag. And I think that is how it ought to be.

If you change your search to use the official name instead of the name field will you find all the counties in the country? If not, then perhaps we ought to start making sure the official name is properly set. I know, for example, that the daily use names of "Los Angeles County" and "Orange County" are not the official names. The official names are "County of Los Anglese" and "County of Orange".

Regarding the San Francisco relation, it has "alt_name" set to "San Fran". I never heard that during the whole time I lived in the SF Bay area. The local alternative name was "The City". But, no longer living in the area, I will some more local mapper fix that.

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answered 03 Feb '23, 17:28

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

Well the file I have is OSM Boundary data only, nothing else. and for Los Angeles I see two records: Los Angeles and Los Angeles County. for San Dieggo I see two records: San Diego and San Diego County. but for San Francisco I see just one record: San Francisco. wonder why that is? Since I know this, I can obviously just use the city record as the boundary info is the same, but I wonder why the inconsistency?

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answered 03 Feb '23, 19:32

Rick%20Teitelman's gravatar image

Rick Teitelman
accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Feb '23, 19:33

thanks for that! and that probably explains it and the same situation for the other 4 counties as well.

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answered 03 Feb '23, 20:50

Rick%20Teitelman's gravatar image

Rick Teitelman
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 03 Feb '23, 12:25

question was seen: 910 times

last updated: 03 Feb '23, 20:50

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