I want to generate a static map using property latitude and longitude. So Can I achieve this functionality using OpenStreet Map API. other information related to the static maps.
Please Advice. It is possible to do it using OpenStreet Map API |
OpenStreetMap does not record parcel boundaries. Hence the answer is no. I saw in Mapwise map (https://maps.mapwise.com/) OpenStreetMap was used and after clicking a check box it displayed parcel boundaries or Parcel outlines. So I want to know if there is any option that I used to display that.
(03 Feb '23, 13:45)
I cannot access mapwise.com because I do not have a paid subscription. I supposed they will have loaded the parcel data from a different data source. Many web sites display third-party information on top of OSM. Thanks for Your reply, Frederik. I want to know if we can generate a static map using OpenStreetMap API. If Yes how to integrate it into our website?
(03 Feb '23, 13:59)
OpenStreetMap does not offer a static API endpoint. Most people who integrate OSM in their web sites will simply load OSM tiles with Leaflet or OpenLayers. Third-party static map solutions are available (see https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Static_map_images) but with any solutions that use free OpenStreetMap tiles, keep in mind that you're using a donation-funded resource and if you plan to make intensive use of it you would likely have to install your own map server so as not to over-burden OSM's hardware.
(03 Feb '23, 14:08)
Frederik Ramm ♦
Please help provide an example of how to display third-party information on top of OSM for displaying parcel boundaries. Any link with a sample for example will be helpful.
(06 Feb '23, 12:27)