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I was looking for some assistance. I was looking to see if there was an easy way to add a tag/flag on a map to show the nearest Public Access Defibrillator.

Our local town is doing an awareness project where by we'd like to print off an areal map, tag where each Defib is and have a key at the side to give details of the location and perhaps the What3Words location. We will then put the map in the public library and perhaps the schools to raise awareness in the town.

Is this something that has been done before?

I'm new to the site and not IT savy.


asked 31 Jan '23, 15:42

Andynic1234's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


What3words is proprietary and has lead to problems in the past

(01 Feb '23, 00:47) InsertUser

There is a site/project called OpenAED Map located at which may help you.

That said, I don't know how well AEDs have been mapped in your area. You may want to make a volunteer project in your town to map the public AEDs to get the data into OpenStreetMap. Once that is done you can then use the Open AED Map website for your display of that information.

permanent link

answered 31 Jan '23, 16:05

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

I had no idea that site existed.

I've looked at it and there are no AED's noted for my town and so have added a few.

In the UK we have but the project I would like to complete is a printed map of the town with the AED's and locations visible. We can then print this and have it available for the public to see to generate awareness and education.

Hopefully it's a good idea and will show the need for AED's in housing estates vs town centres as you're more likely to have a cardiac issue at home.

Thank you so much for your quick reply.

(31 Jan '23, 16:40) Andynic1234

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question asked: 31 Jan '23, 15:42

question was seen: 1,242 times

last updated: 01 Feb '23, 00:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum