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Hi there!

I have recently tried to extract only mainland country borders for France and the Netherlands to exclude colonies and Atlantic Islands.

Using the following Overpass queries respectively:

[out:json]; rel[admin_level=3][name="France métropolitaine"]; out geom;


[out:json]; rel[place=region][name="Europees Nederland"]; out geom;

I have tried to find the same for the following three countries:

UK Spain Portugal

but I can't seem to find a satisfactory relation to exclude e.g. the Azores from Portuguese borders and the canaries from the Spanish one. Has anyone solved this issue before or know how I could extend my search for a solution?

Thank you for the help

asked 18 Jan '23, 12:33

jojojatt's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Jan '23, 12:34

For Portugal I haven't found anything better than the "Europe/Lisbon Timezone".

Overpass example:

rel[name="Fuso Horário da Europa/Lisboa"];
out geom;


For Spain it would be:

Overpass example:

rel[name="Zona Horaria de Europa/Madrid"];
out geom;


but this would include the balearic islands and some tiny islet in the street of Gibraltar (but not the Canary Islands).

Now I don't know if you want the United Kingdom including Northern Island or excluding Northern Island.

If you want it without Northern Ireland and without isles, the mainland body of "Great Britain" comes close:

Overpass example:

rel[name="Great Britain"];
out geom;


But then, I'm not sure what you want included and excluded...

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answered 18 Jan '23, 14:02

Spiekerooger's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 18 Jan '23, 14:02

Hi there,

This is absolutely great. Thank you so much. I guess my main question now would be what search strategy would bring me to this information, I have checked the entire OSM Wiki and map dependencies. The names for such special zones always seem to be in their original language.

Could you share where/how you found this information?

(24 Jan '23, 12:13) jojojatt

Hi, I'm actually not finding those through Overpass, but by thinking/guessing and using Nominatim. Nominatim is easier as it uses all name (e.g. name, name:en, etc.) fields, so I can search for "Europe/Lisbon timezone" and get a result. Overpass instead would need the exact key (e.g. name or name:en), so it's easier to go the extra mile via Nominatim in finding those objects and then using them in Overpass.

(24 Jan '23, 12:20) Spiekerooger

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question asked: 18 Jan '23, 12:33

question was seen: 1,729 times

last updated: 24 Jan '23, 12:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum