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I connected a speaker to my Garmin Montana 680 and was able to get turn-by-turn voice navigation on streets and roads. However, on routable and named trails and path I do not (I do get the text popups). Does OSM support that? I am using maps derived from OSM, namely bbike and OpenMapChest. Should I switch to unadulterated OSM? Thanks

asked 10 Jan '23, 04:37

hwDean's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

reverted 10 Jan '23, 04:42

I had no idea until now that the Garmin Montana supported sound, but I do know that other Garmin devices that do (old Garmin Nuvi devices) certainly can speak names from routable maps that I created using OSM data.

Do the maps you have tried support routing at all - perhaps they do, and just give then normal Garmin bleep when you need to make a turn?

I'm not sure what you mean by "Should I switch to unadulterated OSM" though?

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answered 10 Jan '23, 10:10

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Have you had your Nuvi on a route that includes a trail or path?

Ever since OSM took their download server offline I've been downloading OSM maps from other sources. Those ones mentioned modify some objects and colors based on purpose of map.

I create a route in Basecamp -- picking only trails, send it to device as usual. Device profile is set to Automotive mode, lock on road and I was using Nuvi dashboard. Its been raining here in los angeles for a couple weeks and trail testing has been limited. But last weekend I tried it and no voice, with same settings as when I got voice in car

See also

(10 Jan '23, 14:01) hwDean

Have you had your Nuvi on a route that includes a trail or path?

Only by accident! I actually removed all paths and tracks from the data before creating the map for it, because it's a car sat-nav.

However, I'm sure I've used it (just as a test really) with walking routes and heard some directions.

One thought though - spoken directions depend heavily on the name of the thing that your navigating along - did the maps/paths you're using have any sort of name? If not, that might be the problem. If you want to make your own, have a look here. This script adds lots of information into the name field in brackets, so almost every path or track will get a name. You'll need to edit the script to download an area around you, of course, and you might want to extract a smaller area from that for testing.

(10 Jan '23, 15:37) SomeoneElse ♦

thanks for the links. yes, the trails have names and they appear in text popups with directions as I hike along -- i can get beeps too.

...just had a thought....

maybe Automotive mode ignores non-streets. I'll go against Garmin's instructions and try it in Hiking mode during next test. I don't need it to look like car nav

I can extract a small area from OSM site and will try that. I've fiddled with mkgmap, splitter, jnx2img, mapc2mapc, etc in the past for other reasons. they give me a headache haha. this mapping stuff is complicated when getting down to the nitty gritty. I stopped at trying to edit TYP files 🤪

(11 Jan '23, 01:18) hwDean

I was able to do another test and got the Montana to voice-navigate on trails using the trail name.

On this test I created a waypoint about a mile up and a couple of turns beyond trailhead. At home I set the Go-to to that point and started driving to trailhead. I was able to transition from street to trail.

I used OpenMapChest map. It appears that using osm2img on an osm extract removes routability?

It turns out the instructions in Garmin manual are just suggestions. I was able to use Montana in hiking mode, no lock on road.

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answered 13 Jan '23, 22:53

hwDean's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It appears that using osm2img on an osm extract removes routability?

Maps for Garmin maps can be created as "routable" or "non-routable". I've no idea what "osm2img" does, but "mkgmap" is pretty much the gold standard here, and that works just fine if you ask it to create a routable map (parameter "--route"). Even if you're not using the script itself, the parameters used in here should be useful

(13 Jan '23, 23:09) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 10 Jan '23, 04:37

question was seen: 1,969 times

last updated: 13 Jan '23, 23:09

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