I was looking at a map of Venice Italy when suddenly markers with an "X" inside appeared for apparently no reason. I tried to delete them all, but I'm not having any luck. How do I go about deleting them? Thank You. |
Hi, As commented above they probably are notes which are meant to ask folk to have a look at a potential problem, and hopefully resolve the problem. The notes can be turned off to avoid clutter if you only want to just peruse the map. On the right-hand side of the map select the layer icon, and from the drop-down untick the notes box. 1
And please don't delete (close) them unless you have actually resolved the note. They may contain value information.
(09 Jan '23, 08:18)
scai ♦
There were only 2 notes resolved - I've reopened them with a comment linking back here.
(09 Jan '23, 09:29)
SomeoneElse ♦
Which markers are you referring to? The ones described here? https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Notes#Viewing_notes