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How do l go about with the description of 'Changeset Comment' when mapping especially in the village zone?

asked 22 Dec '22, 07:49

Cynthia%20%20Allan's gravatar image

Cynthia Allan
accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Dec '22, 07:51

The changeset comment is simply to give future mappers a clue about what you were trying to accomplish.

If you spot something on the map that you think is wrong or do not understand and decide to look into it then you would check the history of the object(s) and read the changeset comments to try to understand where the mapper that added/edited the feature was trying to accomplish. A changeset comment of "made edits" would be very unhelpful. For example, a changeset comment saying you were updating road geometry could indicate that the distortion and move of a building was inadvertent.

So just think about what some future version of yourself would find helpful when looking to see why you made the edit.

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answered 22 Dec '22, 16:34

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 22 Dec '22, 07:49

question was seen: 986 times

last updated: 22 Dec '22, 16:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum