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I still face the problem of my JOSM failing to be enabled. whenever l tried to use it. Although it is enabled in the preferences. What should l do again? l am using Windows system

asked 18 Dec '22, 02:44

Cynthia%20%20Allan's gravatar image

Cynthia Allan
accept rate: 0%


What do you mean by "failing to be enabled". How is it failing?

(18 Dec '22, 18:38) InsertUser

I don't understand any of that either, and I also run JOSM on Windows (Windows 10).

I have Java installed via Chocolatey (see ) so that it can be easily updated along with everything else.

I have Josm-tested.jar downloaded from , and I I just run "java -jar \path\to\josm-tested.jar" to run it. It just works. Java gets updated whenever any Java updates appear, and Josm whenever I want to take advantage of new features.

Perhaps you could explain what you have done to install Josm and what error messages you're seeing, if any?

(18 Dec '22, 19:17) SomeoneElse ♦

I have used JOSM with Windows 10 for a long time. I always use the windows installer on the download page, and besides a install bug a while ago, the install process is always successful.

Maybe you have some garbage from a previous failed install left, which hinder a new install? I would try to uninstall any old version first, via windows settings/apps. I assume it could also be a problem with the Java run time installation. But I don't know how to verify this in a correct way.

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answered 18 Dec '22, 08:02

Msiipola's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 18 Dec '22, 02:44

question was seen: 1,050 times

last updated: 18 Dec '22, 19:17

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum