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For example, I want to go from Częstochowa to Wrocław.

Why does the AI suggest a route via the a1 and a4 motorways, which is far too long, when it is possible to shorten it with a different route (direction to Opole)? link text

I do not want to always follow the suggestion of artificial intelligence.

I would very much like to add the possibility of modifying my route.

Greetings. :)

asked 14 Dec '22, 19:30

masureg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Routing on OpenStreetMap is not driven by AI, it's just a straightforward algorithm. If it doesn't give you the fastest route then either there's an error in the map or in the routing engine. Some web sites allow the setting if intermediate points, e.g. where you can simply grab and drag the route.

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answered 14 Dec '22, 19:56

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Hello, six months ago I started to travel a lot on OsmAnd navigator.

First of all, I want to say that the navigator calculates the best route based on the data that it has.
Secondly, perhaps your navigator does not take into account traffic jams, that is, it plots a route without taking traffic jams into account.
Thirdly, if there is time, knowledge of the road and desire, check the correctness and completeness of the data in the OSM, set speed limits, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, turn bans, and so on (of course, you need to place real objects), wait until the navigator updates the data from byza.

If none of this helped, then only adding intermediate points when laying the route will help.

I added a lot of objects (really existing ones) along the roads that I know well and drive on them. After detailed mapping, it is possible to "slow down" the traffic to such an extent that the navigator shows the correct result. But this will only help in areas where there is almost no traffic jams. If your navigator does not take them into account, then this is unlikely to help, you need to help the navigator get the right route before each trip.

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answered 16 Dec '22, 09:34

Grass-snake's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You maybe be able to find the reason for strange routing. If you move the start and end points, the red and green markers, around you should be able to locate the reason. That will be where the map will need editing ... maybe. Warning. Once the problem is corrected we have to wait a few days for the routing engine to start using the new data.

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answered 16 Dec '22, 11:54

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 16 Dec '22, 11:58

I'm looking for something similar, but I want to plan the route so I can make it a scenic motorcycle ride (no highways). Is my answer to manually put in way points? Or can I use to save and share routes for embedding on a web page? The latter looks, so far, like it works.

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answered 20 Dec '22, 16:50

Craigbass76's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 14 Dec '22, 19:30

question was seen: 1,479 times

last updated: 20 Dec '22, 16:50

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