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Hi there, first of all please excuse my english as I m a french native speaker

French government created a new type of reception desk for people : "France Services". They are usually physically situated into "City halls" but not only.

It consists of around 2300 new places where one inhabitant can come and ask for free assistance to fullfill online administrative procedure (like "declare income to tax office for tax amount calculation" or "register a new owner after buying a second hand car" and many many others online procedure).

These offices are designed to welcome people without smartphone/computer/tablet skills nor internet connection.

I want to add on OpenStreetMap a new point called "France Services" for the city I work for. Unfortunately, this kind of feature type doesn't exist in the list. There is many like "hospital", "bar", "city hall" etc etc but none of them is called "France Services" and I cannot find where to create my own NEW FEATURE TYPE.

Many thanks in advance for whom to help me to create this new feature type and make it available to all others OSM contributors who wants to create this point in their city in France.


asked 08 Dec '22, 10:13

AlexCN43's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I don't have a complete answer about how to map these features but you can add your own tags to represent your "feature" if you desire. That is the beauty of OSM. Adding your own tags can also present a problem because unless your new tagging of these features finds wide acceptance and use, it will not be rendered (shown) on the OSM map.

Also, there may be some existing tags that might be used to indicate your feature. One quick example:


government=?? (this would likely be where your new tag is used) What sort of services does this government office offer?

Other people on this Help page will probably provide more suggestions but it might fall back to you to develop your own tagging scenario.



By the way, your English is quite good.

(08 Dec '22, 12:52) AlaskaDave


Sorry for the delayed answer. ;-)

I think a discussion with french community would be worthwhile.

Either mailing-list and Forum are active.


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answered 30 Dec '22, 14:15

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

These types of facilities seem to be becoming more common: I've been wondering for a while how to map "Student Service Centres" in universities.

There is no hard-and-fast available approach, but I think we could classify them as amenity=social_facility which enables us to use the rich set of additional social_facility:* tags. For instance you might tag these something like:

social_facility:for=citizens ( or residents or community) /* community seems to be only one in use */
social_facility:type=service_centre /* this seems to fit both FR & EN usage */
name=France Services

The detailed tags can be refined at a later stage, but the core amenity tag + name will show on the map.

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answered 08 Dec '22, 16:06

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 08 Dec '22, 10:13

question was seen: 1,324 times

last updated: 30 Dec '22, 14:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum