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Hi everyone,

I'm a biginner to OSM, and I am working with OpenTripPlanner for my university research. I need a pbf file of my large study area, it's Occitanie region in France. Unfortunately, I can't use Geofabrik's pbf download because Occitanie is divided into 2 differents pbf...

I have read that I have to use Osmium to extract my regional study. But I don't know how to launch Osmium in Windows 11. I downloaded the zip file called "osmium-tool-1.14.0" on github, but then I don't understand what to do... The documentation is unclear for me because I'm just beginning. How can I launch Osmium and extract my area in pbf file ?

Thanks a lot for your help ! JC

asked 07 Dec '22, 13:31

JC_ULLES's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

osmium is developed on Linux and while there have been reports of people compiling it on Windows there's no ready-made binary that I know of that you could just use.

Instead, try using the Java-based "osmosis" which can also cut out polygons from OSM files (or merge two OSM files if you'd rather download the two small files from Geofabrik and combine them), or alternatively use "osmconvert" ( which has a ready-made executable for Windows.

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answered 07 Dec '22, 13:56

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 07 Dec '22, 13:56

Hi, Osmconvert is working well, thanks a lot !

(07 Dec '22, 15:48) JC_ULLES

Other options for Osmium:

WSL. Essentially this installs a Linux subsystem within Windows, which works surprisingly well.

Docker et al.

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answered 07 Dec '22, 21:30

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SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 07 Dec '22, 13:31

question was seen: 3,324 times

last updated: 07 Dec '22, 21:30

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum